A wonderful open air concert with the best of erudite music on the shores of Guaíba River in the city of Porto Alegre.

“Clássicos Internacionais” (International Classics) presented in 2014 two Argentinean soloists to the city of Rio Grande do Sul: Juan Gonzalez and Rosana Schiavi.

Accompanied by the AFFOSPA (Association of Employees of the Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra Foundation) orchestra and choir and under the conduction of maestro Arthur Barbosa, the artists interpreted acclaimed compositions of the international opera.





1 concert performed

+ 80 artists involved

+ 10,000 audience

Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol, Porto Alegre, 2014
Rosana Schiavi - Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol, Porto Alegre, 2014
Juan Gonzalez - Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol, Porto Alegre, 2014
Clássicos Internacionais - Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol, Porto Alegre, 2014
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